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Technology, advancements, globalization, science comes along with various flaws. There is no denial of the fact that they have made our lives easy, but it is also a fact that they have added to our stress, which modern medicine fails to address. The root cause of the problem is our lifestyle, which is affecting us internally and externally both. This has made people look beyond merely popping pills and explore natural forms of treatments for health and rejuvenation. This not only had led everyone to a healthy world, but has also augmented the need of alternative treatment and popularity of VISHVARATAN AYURVED across the world. .

Keeping in mind the need of the hour, more than two decades back I decided to venture upon what we knew best, and what our forefathers had known for so long. We sought to show the world that natural Ayurvedic treatments provided in a peaceful, green setting would create the ideal environment for recovery, and the perfect locale for the practice of best true Ayurveda.



And we did it!! VISHVARATAN AYURVED is an answer for many who are looking for alternatives in this era of globalization and are digging into their roots. Sticking to the basic principles of Ayurveda and Hospitality, and calling for inspiration from our ancient treaties and vedic knowledge, we aim at touching every corner of the world to create awareness about the quality and efficacy of Ayurveda.

Our aim was to cut through all classes and concentrate on the VISHVARATAN AYURVED, to enable an awareness of this great medicinal form to reach all sectors of society. When practiced correctly, Ayurveda is a fantastic and proven way to treat one’s body and mind, for recovery and rejuvenation..
